What Type of Exercise is Best for Mental Health?

7 Exercises That Help Your Mental and Physical Health

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Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stressed? Or maybe you’re overweight and out of shape?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, exercise might be your solution.

There are plenty of activities that can help you both physically and mentally. From jogging and swimming to dancing and gardening, there’s something here for everyone!

We will look at some specific activities later in this blog post.

I've found that exercise is the absolute best way to boost my mood. When I'm active, stress fades away, and things feel brighter.

Plus, my mind is clearer, so I can confidently take on anything!

Exercising also helps me feel strong and makes it easier for me to do daily activities, like keeping up with my kids and household chores.

Exercising regularly has both mental and physical health benefits. These benefits can improve your overall well-being.

Let’s look at some of those benefits.

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Physical Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to get fit and lose weight—and it makes sense. Regular physical activity not only burns calories but also strengthens muscles and bones.

It can also reduce your risk for certain chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain forms of cancer.

Mental Benefits of Exercise

Exercise isn’t just good for your body but also for your mind!

Research shows that regular exercise produces endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood boosters.

That means regular exercise can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. It can also increase energy levels.

Plus, it can help reduce symptoms associated with depression, boost your mood, and increase clarity.

Exercise also helps improve cognitive functions like memory formation, focus, decision-making skills, creativity, and problem-solving skills, thanks to increased blood flow to the brain.

7 Exercises That Help Your Mental and Physical Health

  1. Jogging

  2. Swimming

  3. Cycling

  4. Walking

  5. Gardening

  6. Dancing

  7. Strength Training

Now that we know the physical and mental benefits of exercise, let’s look at seven activities you can try to help boost your mental and physical health!

1. Jogging

Jogging is an excellent way to increase your cardiovascular health.  Jogging helps strengthen your heart muscles, increases oxygen levels in your body, and helps reduce stress hormones.

It also improves coordination, agility, and balance. Plus, it's a great way to build muscle mass while burning calories.

And don’t forget the mental benefits—jogging is linked to improved moods and increased creativity.

2. Swimming

Swimming is an effective total body workout.  It helps build strength while improving flexibility and coordination.

Swimming is also a low-impact activity. That means it reduces the risk of injury while helping maintain joint health and strengthen bones.

These are all significant benefits when it comes to maintaining physical fitness over time.

On top of that, swimming can boost your mood by releasing endorphins (those feel-good hormones!) which can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and depression symptoms.

3. Cycling

Cycling is a form of aerobic exercise. It helps improve lung capacity while providing an intense calorie-burn session.

Plus, cycling is easy on the joints because it's a non-weight-bearing exercise—which means less risk of injury or strain on the body.

Cycling also has some mental health benefits, like improved concentration skills as well as lower levels of stress and anxiety due to increased endorphin production during a ride.

You can bike outside, or for added convivence, try an indoor bike!

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is exercise good for mental health

4. Walking

Walking is a classic form of exercise for a good reason!

This is one of my favorite forms of exercise because it is easy and free, and you can do it almost anywhere!

Walking helps keep your heart healthy while burning calories. Not to mention all those other physical benefits such as improved digestion, better balance and joint stability, increased bone density and lowered blood pressure levels.

Walking is also great for reducing stress levels. This is because it allows us to connect with nature while enjoying some fresh air!

A fitness tracker can help you track your steps each day.

5. Gardening

Research shows that gardening can positively affect our mental health. This is due to its calming nature combined with its focus on creativity through design choices like plant selection or placement in the garden space.

Physically speaking, gardening strengthens arms, legs, back, and core muscles. It also boosts flexibility, increases endurance, and improves balance and coordination! 

6.  Dancing

Dancing is a fun form of physical activity. It not only works out your body but also gives you an opportunity for self-expression!

Also, studies have shown that dancing can improve your overall mood, reduce stress levels, and increase serotonin production in the brain.

The combination of social interaction and movement helps release endorphins, which promote positive feelings.

Dancing can get you fit —think hip-hop dance classes or Zumba. It can also be used just for fun—think salsa night!

Dancing offers many physical benefits.

These benefits include improved posture and muscle tone, increased strength and endurance, better coordination and balance, and enhanced flexibility and agility! 

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7. Strength Training

Strength training is an often-overlooked method of improving overall health and fitness. Yet, it’s one of the best ways to increase strength and feel great.

Contrary to what many believe, strength training does not require lifting heavy weights.

Simple bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, squats, and lunges are excellent strength-building activities. Resistance bands provide another way to step up a strength workout.

Of course, if you want to incorporate heavier weights into your routine, you can do that too!

Regular strength training has other benefits beyond physical strength. It also helps reduce stress and improve mood by increasing endorphins that boost happiness levels.

Strength training can also boost confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy in individuals who practice it!    

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If you're looking for ways to stay physically and mentally active, these seven activities are sure to provide some helpful solutions!

Regular exercise can be a great way to improve both your physical and mental well-being.

Not only does it strengthen muscles and bones. It also helps reduce stress levels while improving cognitive functions like problem-solving skills and creativity.

So, if you’re looking for an effective way to achieve better physical health while improving your mental health, exercise is definitely worth trying out!

With so many types of exercises available nowadays (like cardio workouts, strength training routines, or stretching sessions), there’s no excuse not to give it a try!

No matter what level you’re starting at or what workout style you prefer, there’s something for you!

So, pick one (or more!) activities you enjoy doing most. Then stick with them consistently over time. You'll be amazed at how far you've come with just a little bit of effort every day.

Are you struggling to incorporate an exercise program into your life to improve your fertility and hormone balance? Do you feel like you need extra support and accountability to stay on track?

My wellness coaching programs offer the perfect solution. I help you in developing small but sustainable habits that will lead to significant long-term transformation.

Throughout the program, you'll receive personalized attention from an experienced health coach, ensuring you stay motivated and on track to achieve your goals. By implementing my program, you'll feel more energized, vibrant, and confident.

Start creating a wellness and exercise routine that works for you by scheduling a free support call with me today!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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