100 New Year's Resolutions for Health and Wealth

100 New Year's Resolutions for Health and Wealth (1).jpg

As we turn the calendar page to a new year, it's that classic time again - time to reflect on the past year and start planning how we want this next year to go.

Whether you're looking to get healthy, get organized, or get your finances in order, New Year's resolutions are a chance for a fresh start.

But making resolutions is easy - keeping them is the real challenge.

In this post, I'm sharing 100 New Year's resolution ideas focused on improving your health, wealth, and overall well-being for the coming year.

These resolutions span everything from getting more active and eating cleaner to getting out of debt and boosting your income.

Taking on just a few resolutions at a time is very doable. And sticking with them will leave you feeling motivated, energized, and ready to take full advantage of the opportunities that come your way in the new year.

Let's dive into the top 100 resolutions to supercharge your health and wealth this year!

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New Year's Resolutions for Health

  1. Start a daily meditation practice.

  2. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet.

  3. Try a new workout routine.

  4. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

  5. Prioritize sleep – aim for 7-8 hours a night.

  6. Limit processed food intake.

  7. Start a regular yoga practice.

  8. Go for a walk during lunch breaks.

  9. Try a new sport or fitness activity.

  10. Schedule regular check-ups with your doctor.

  11. Limit alcohol consumption.

  12. Quit smoking.

  13. Take up cycling.

  14. Start a home garden for fresh produce.

  15. Cook at least one meal a day at home.

  16. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

  17. Join a local gym.

  18. Get a fitness tracker and set daily step goals.

  19. Take regular stretch breaks if you work at a desk.

  20. Try a plant-based diet.

  21. Learn to swim if you don't know how.

  22. Take up a martial art for self-defense and fitness.

  23. Start your day with a glass of water.

  24. Cut down on caffeine.

  25. Try meal prepping for healthier eating habits.

  26. Attend a fitness class at least once a week.

  27. Incorporate more whole grains into your diet.

  28. Learn to make healthy desserts.

  29. Start a skincare routine.

  30. Practice mindful eating.

  31. Try a dance class for fitness.

  32. Limit screen time before bed for better sleep.

  33. Include more lean proteins in your meals.

  34. Schedule regular massages for stress relief.

  35. Try aromatherapy for relaxation.

  36. Learn about nutrition to make informed food choices.

  37. Experiment with different types of tea for health benefits.

  38. Practice deep breathing exercises.

  39. Learn to make healthy smoothies.

  40. Start a daily journaling habit for mental health.

  41. Try different types of cardio such as rowing or boxing.

  42. Cut down on sugar.

  43. Get a pet for companionship and daily walks.

  44. Learn to make homemade salad dressings.

  45. Incorporate more fiber into your diet.

  46. Learn to manage stress effectively.

  47. Invest in a good pair of workout shoes.

  48. Try intermittent fasting.

  49. Take up hiking on weekends.

  50. Learn to listen to your body and rest when needed.

New Year's Resolutions for Wealth

  1. Start a savings account if you don't have one.

  2. Set a monthly budget and stick to it.

  3. Learn about investing and start a portfolio.

  4. Pay off credit card debt.

  5. Increase your retirement contributions.

  6. Start a side hustle for extra income.

  7. Learn to negotiate for better pay or prices.

  8. Automate savings for a hassle-free way to accumulate wealth.

  9. Read a personal finance book.

  10. Attend a financial planning seminar or course.

  11. Start a rainy day fund.

  12. Cut out unnecessary expenses.

  13. Learn about real estate investing.

  14. Create multiple streams of income.

  15. Invest in professional development courses.

  16. Plan for large purchases and save accordingly.

  17. Regularly review and adjust your budget.

  18. Learn about tax planning to maximize benefits.

  19. Aim to save at least 20% of your income.

  20. Purchase insurance for financial security.

  21. Start an emergency fund.

  22. Invest in quality over quantity for long-term savings.

  23. Use cash-back credit cards wisely.

  24. Learn about the stock market.

  25. Donate to charity – it can provide tax benefits and it's a great way to give back!

  26. Sell unused items for extra cash.

  27. Learn about passive income opportunities.

  28. Avoid impulse purchases by shopping with a list.

  29. Set financial goals for the year.

  30. Review your insurance policies to ensure adequate coverage.

  31. Learn to do basic home and car maintenance to save on costs.

  32. Start a college fund for your children.

  33. Avoid late fees by setting reminders for bill payments.

  34. Diversify your investment portfolio.

  35. Pay more than the minimum on loans to reduce interest.

  36. Shop sales and clearance for deals.

  37. Learn to DIY gifts and home decor to save money.

  38. Regularly check your credit score and work on improving it.

  39. Invest in a high-quality wardrobe that will last, rather than fast fashion.

  40. Use energy-efficient appliances to save on utility bills.

  41. Plan meals in advance to save on grocery bills.

  42. Consider refinancing loans for lower interest rates.

  43. Learn about different retirement saving options.

  44. Review and update your estate plan.

  45. Use a financial planning app to track spending.

  46. Learn about wealth-building from successful entrepreneurs.

  47. Aim to be debt-free.

  48. Create a vision board to motivate financial goals.

  49. Network to create opportunities for career advancement.

  50. Always continue learning about financial management.

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Embarking on a journey towards better health and wealth involves making consistent and thoughtful choices.

Whether it's incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine, eating a balanced diet, or making wise financial decisions, every step counts.

Remember, it's not about drastic changes but sustainable habits. Here's to a healthier, wealthier you in the upcoming year!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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