14 Ways to Boost Energy Naturally


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How would it feel if you had the energy to be more productive, work towards your goals, and feel more motivated?

Imagine feeling less sluggish and tired.

If you're one of the millions who struggle with a lack of energy and are searching for natural ways to boost your energy, you're in luck!

You can increase your energy without the crash and jitters from drinking coffee or energy drinks.

Natural ways to boost energy are all around us.

Sure, you can find quick energy boosts with caffeine and other stimulants, but why not enjoy the benefits of more holistic health energy-boosting habits?

Also, energy-boosting supplements aren't always healthy. And "energy" drinks can initially help you feel more energized but cause you to crash later.

In this post, I will share 14 ways to boost your energy without caffeine using a holistic approach.

14 Ways to Boost Energy Naturally

  1. Breathe

  2. Drink Water

  3. Get Outside

  4. Beware of “Energy Vampires”

  5. Limit Electronics

  6. Get to a Healthy Weight

  7. Take a Quick Nap

  8. Start a Bedtime Routine

  9. Laugh More

  10. Look at What You Are Eating

  11. Eat Regular Meals

  12. Exercise

  13. Try Meditation

  14. Take a Break

1. Breathe

Deep breathing can reduce stress. Stress is a significant cause of low energy. You can try deep breathing in yoga, meditation, or by itself throughout the day. I love the 4-7-8 breathing technique to help relieve stress.  

2. Drink Water

When you are dehydrated, you will feel more tired and sluggish. You may not even realize that you are dehydrated. Besides feeling tired, other dehydration signs are irritability, dark yellow urine, and dizziness.

The recommendation is to drink half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you would drink 100 to 200 ounces of water daily.

Try carrying a water bottle around with you so you can ensure you always have water when you need it!

3. Get Outside

Connecting with nature helps you feel more energized. One reason is that it reduces feelings of stress. Also, sunlight helps keep your serotonin levels up, which helps increase your energy.  

Being outside can also improve your sleep, which will increase your energy levels as well. Sunlight also has vitamin D, which can boost your energy.

4. Beware of “Energy Vampires”

“Energy vampires” are people who suck all the positive energy out of you to feed their negativity. This can leave you feeling stressed, anxious, drained, and unhappy. It can also make you feel mentally and physically exhausted.

These people may have issues with boundaries or always complain. It can be helpful to limit contact with these individuals and avoid getting sucked in by their negativity.

5. Limit Electronics

Limiting electronics, especially before bed and when you wake up, is essential to combat the feeling of low energy.

Electronics such as your smartphone and television can decrease melatonin and cortisol hormones. This affects your energy levels. They can also cause eye strain and distractions, increasing feelings of low energy.

So, it’s helpful to take breaks from electronics when you can. Like me, you may have a job where you are on the computer all day. Try using blue light-blocking glasses!

6. Get to a Healthy Weight

If you are overweight, you have to work harder to do simple physical tasks, such as climbing the stairs and even walking. This can be exhausting. Being overweight can also affect your sleep.

Also, if you eat foods low in nutrients and high in calories, your meals can cause you to drag throughout your day. This happens because you aren't getting the nutrients you need to support a healthy body.

There are many steps you can start today to lose weight without dieting!

Related: 5 Breakthrough Ways to Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

7. Take a Quick Nap

This may be difficult to fit into a busy day, but where you can sneak in a 20 to 40-minute nap. That’s long enough to get sleep that will energize you but not so long that you will feel drowsy when you wake up.

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8. Start a Bedtime Routine

Bedtime routines can improve your sleep quality and quantity. This can increase your energy levels during the day. Bedtime routines help you prepare for sleep by relaxing and winding down.

Some activities you can do before bed to relax include reading, meditation, gentle yoga, taking a bath, practicing deep breathing, or listening to music.

Related: Your Guide to a Stress-Reducing Bedtime Routine

9. Laugh More

Laughter has many health benefits, including reduced feelings of stress. Reducing stress through laughter can increase feelings of increased energy.

Watch a comedy show or a cartoon you loved as a kid. Or hang out with people who make you laugh!

10. Look at What You’re Eating

Choose foods that have a low glycemic index. These foods won’t lead to sudden drops in energy. Some examples are green vegetables, beans, chickpeas, and lentils.

Limit high glycemic index foods. These foods can cause a spike in energy but then a sudden drop in energy, leaving you tired and sluggish.

Some examples of high glycemic index foods include sugary foods, soft drinks, white bread, and white rice. 

Also, include an unrefined carbohydrate and protein at each meal to keep energy levels steady.

11. Eat Regular Meals

When you skip meals, you deprive your body of the energy it needs to function. Skipping meals can also cause you to overeat at the next meal.

Regular meals will help keep your blood sugar levels steady throughout the day. This will result in increased energy.

Be sure to eat a protein and carbohydrate-rich breakfast! Skipping breakfast won’t necessarily help you lose weight. It can also make you feel less energized.

12. Exercise

Even if it’s a 10-minute walk outside, exercise can be a great way to re-energize and increase your mood. Exercise can lead to fewer feelings of tension, stress, and anxiety. These feelings can all zap your energy.

Try using a fitness watch to track your daily activity and keep you motivated!


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13. Try Meditation

Stress and anxiety about the past and the future can cause you to feel drained. Meditation can help reduce stress and help you stay in the present moment.

You can get the positive benefits of meditation in as little as 10 minutes a day!

I love Circle & Bloom for guided meditation. They have everything from meditations for fertility to meditations for reaching your goals!

14. Take a Break

If you have a desk job and sit for a good part of the day, it can cause you to feel tired and sluggish.

Try taking a stretch break every half hour or so. You can get up and walk around, stretch at your desk, or do a quick breathing exercise.



So there you have it. My list of 14 natural energy boosters that I introduce to my clients who do not want to use caffeine and other stimulants to feel more energized.

When you do activities that boost your energy naturally, you will feel how much better you can function when your body isn't dependent on caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and other energy-boosting supplements.

So now that you know how to get a caffeine-free energy boost, go ahead, and try one or two of the above. The trick is changing your habits. This will lead to a transformation in your energy levels in the long term.

Changing your habits isn’t always easy. It can be confusing and overwhelming.

That’s why I offer my fertility and hormonal balance clients comprehensive wellness coaching programs to help them feel more energetic.

These programs include education, accountability, and support, which are essential for their long-term success. By providing these resources, I ensure that the women I work with are equipped with the tools they need to achieve their health goals.

There is tremendous energy within you, just waiting to be unleashed!

It’s important to remember that your energy levels often depend on your eating, drinking, sleeping, and stress level. It's all connected!

These energy-boosting tools are effective. By adding some of these to your day, you will sleep better, overeat less, and feel like a better version of yourself!

Grab your FREE Wellness Habit Tracker Bundle below.

It will help you get a jump-start on adding these energy-boosting habits to your day!



Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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