11 Things You Should Never Keep in Your Purse

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We all know how easy it is for our purses to become a black hole of random items.

From old receipts, countless lipsticks, to that snack you forgot about, it's easy to let things pile up.

But did you know that carrying too much around can actually be a burden, both physically and mentally?

Understanding what to keep - and crucially, what not to keep - in your purse can lighten your load, save you from unnecessary stress, and even help you be more organized in your day-to-day life.

It's about streamlining what we carry, making sure each item serves a purpose, and letting go of the 'just-in-case' mentality.

So, if you're ready to take control of the chaos, read on.

This guide will help you figure out what should be evicted from your purse, making room for only the essentials!

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Benefits of Carrying Less in Your Purse

The purse – a woman's trusty sidekick that somehow always ends up being a bottomless pit of countless items.

While it's important to have your essentials on hand, overloading your bag can lead to unnecessary stress and physical discomfort.

Let's dive into some of the key benefits of embracing a minimalistic approach to what you carry in your purse.

  • Less Clutter, More Peace: A cluttered purse often leads to a cluttered mind. By carrying fewer items, you can quickly locate what you need without rummaging through a pile of receipts, loose change, and half-used lip balms. This can save time and reduce stress levels.

  • Lighter Load, Healthier You: Overloading your purse can lead to physical strain, affecting your shoulders, neck, and back. By lightening the load, you're not just making it easier to carry around; you're also doing a favor for your posture and overall health.

  • Increased Security: The more items you carry in your purse, the greater the risk if it gets lost or stolen. By only carrying essentials, you minimize potential loss and reduce the chances of identity theft or financial damage.

  • Greater Focus on Essentials: When you carry less, you're forced to prioritize what truly matters. This can help you develop better habits not just for your purse, but for other areas of life too. It teaches you to value quality over quantity.

  • Less Wear and Tear on Your Purse: Overstuffed bags can wear out faster, with strained zippers and stretched-out fabric. Carrying less can extend the lifespan of your favorite purse and keep it looking its best.

What Not to Carry in Your Purse

1. Passwords

Let's be honest, we've all been guilty of jotting down passwords on a piece of paper when they become too complex to remember.

But carrying these in your purse is a big no-no.

  • If your purse gets lost or stolen, someone could easily gain access to your accounts.

  • This can lead to identity theft or financial loss.

  • It's better to use a password manager app that encrypts your passwords.

  • Even if you think it's hidden well, it's not worth the risk.

  • Try to memorize important passwords and change them regularly for added security.

2. Debit Card

While it may seem essential, there are reasons why your debit card should stay at home.

  • Credit cards often provide better theft protections.

  • If your debit card gets stolen, thieves can drain your bank account.

  • The process of getting your money back can be lengthy and stressful.

  • It's safer to carry a small amount of cash and a credit card for emergencies.

  • Consider using mobile payment apps for a more secure transaction.

3. Large Amounts of Cash

Carrying large amounts of cash isn't just heavy, it's risky.

  • You could lose it or have it stolen.

  • If lost or stolen, it's unlikely you'll get it back.

  • It's easier to track your spending with a card or digital payments.

  • Carrying only what you need can help budget daily expenses.

  • For large purchases, credit cards or checks are safer and provide records of payment.

4. Receipts

Who hasn't used their purse as a mini filing cabinet for receipts?

Here's why it's a bad idea:

  • They clutter your purse, making it harder to find what you need.

  • Receipts can contain sensitive information.

  • Ink can wear off, rendering them useless for returns or warranties.

  • It's more efficient to have digital receipts emailed to you.

  • Consider using a receipt tracking app for business expenses.

  • Most receipts are printed on thermal paper, which often contains Bisphenol A (BPA). This chemical can be harmful to your health.

5. Unprotected Phone

Your phone is one of your most important possessions.

Don't let it float around unprotected in your purse.

  • It can easily be scratched or damaged by other items.

  • Keep it in a case and consider a dedicated pocket in your purse.

  • Regularly back up your data to protect it.

  • Use strong passcodes and enable remote wipe features in case of theft.

6. Passport

Unless you're traveling internationally, leave the passport safely at home.

  • It's a hassle to replace if lost or stolen.

  • A driver's license or state ID is sufficient for most ID requirements within your country.

  • Losing it can lead to identity theft or illegal use.

  • Digital copies are useful for reference but don't carry the original unless necessary.

  • Always keep it in a secure place when not in use.

7. Checkbook

In this era of digital banking, carrying a checkbook is rarely necessary and could be risky.

  • If lost or stolen, someone could potentially empty your bank account.

  • It's usually unnecessary for day-to-day transactions.

  • Digital payments provide a safer and more convenient alternative.

  • Only carry a check if you know you're going to need it.

  • Monitor your bank account regularly for any unauthorized checks.


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8. Social Security Card

Your social security card is one of the most sensitive pieces of identification you own.

  • If it falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to identity theft.

  • You rarely need it, so it's best kept in a safe place at home.

  • Never carry it unless absolutely necessary.

  • Be cautious about who you give your number to and how it's stored.

  • Regularly check your social security account for any suspicious activity.

9. Birth Certificate

Like your social security card, your birth certificate is a sensitive document.

  • It can be used to steal your identity if it falls into the wrong hands.

  • It's rarely required, so it’s best to keep it in a safe place at home.

  • Only carry copies if needed for specific purposes.

  • Be cautious about whom you give photocopies to.

  • Regularly check your credit report for any suspicious activity.

10. Valuables

While it might be tempting to carry your expensive items with you, it's often not a good idea.

  • They can attract thieves.

  • If lost or stolen, they're often costly or impossible to replace.

  • It's better to leave them at home or in a safe deposit box.

  • Insure valuable items and keep a record of their details for claims.

  • Only carry them when necessary and always be aware of their security.

11. Entire Collection of Makeup

We all love a touch-up throughout the day, but there's no need to carry your entire makeup collection.

  • It adds unnecessary weight to your purse.

  • Makeup can spill or break, damaging your purse and other items.

  • Expensive products could be a target for thieves.

  • It's better to carry only the essentials for touch-ups.

  • Consider a small, separate makeup bag to protect your purse and make items easier to find.

What Should I Carry in My Purse Everyday?

While each individual's needs may vary, there are certain items that are universally useful to have in your purse.

These essentials can help you navigate your day with ease and be prepared for unexpected situations.

Check out my blog post HERE on Top 15 Things You Should Keep in Your Purse!

How to Declutter My Purse?

A cluttered purse can be a source of stress and frustration.

It's time to declutter and organize your purse with these easy-to-follow steps.

Step 1: Empty Your Purse

Start by taking everything out of your purse. Lay the items out in front of you so you can clearly see what you've been carrying around.

This will give you a sense of what you have and its condition.

Step 2: Sort Your Items

Next, sort the items into three categories: Keep, Discard, and Not Sure.

The 'Keep' pile should include essentials like your wallet, keys, and phone.

The 'Discard' pile is for items that are broken, expired, or no longer needed.

The 'Not Sure' pile can be revisited later.

Step 3: Clean Your Purse

With your purse empty, it's a good time to clean it. Wipe down the interior and exterior of your bag.

If possible, consider washing it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 4: Re-evaluate the 'Not Sure' Pile

Now that you've cleaned your purse, take another look at the 'Not Sure' pile.

Ask yourself if you really need these items. If not, add them to the 'Discard' pile.

Step 5: Organize Your Essentials

Finally, start putting your 'Keep' items back into your purse.

Try to assign a specific place for each item. This will make it easier to find what you need in the future.

Tips for Maintaining an Organized Purse:

Once you've decluttered your purse, it's important to keep it that way. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly Clean Out Your Purse: Try to make it a habit to clean out your purse every time you use it. This can help prevent clutter from building up.

  • Use Organizers: Consider using purse organizers or pouches to keep your items in place. This can also make it easier to switch purses.

  • Limit Receipts and Loose Change: These can quickly clutter up your purse. Try to regularly transfer these to a designated spot at home.

Remember, decluttering your purse is not a one-time task.

It's an ongoing process that requires regular maintenance. But with these steps and tips, you can keep your purse organized and stress-free.

Wrapping it Up

Maintaining an organized purse is more than just a matter of aesthetics - it's a way to alleviate daily stress and ensure you're prepared for whatever the day throws at you.

By decluttering your purse regularly and thoughtfully curating what you carry, you can create a more streamlined, efficient, and enjoyable daily routine.

Remember, the goal isn't to create a perfectly organized purse overnight but rather to establish habits that support ongoing organization.

With these practical steps and tips, you're well on your way to a clutter-free purse and a smoother day ahead!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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Top 15 Things You Should Keep in Your Purse