This is Why You Feel Unmotivated to Workout

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Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.
— Unknown

Working out can be challenging. It requires motivation and dedication, which are two things that are often in need of more supply.

Even if you have good intentions of starting a workout routine, sometimes it can feel like there's too much on your plate.

And when that happens, it's easy to fall off the wagon and give up altogether. 

But it doesn't have to be this way.

So, what can you do? How can you stay motivated and make exercise fun when you feel unmotivated to work out?

In this blog post, we will look at the reasons you may feel unmotivated to work out. We will also look at some ways to help you feel more motivated!

Why Am I So Unmotivated to Work Out?

Some reasons you could feel unmotivated to workout include the following:

  • Feeling tired

  • Having too much on your plate

  • Not enjoying the exercise routine

  • Not being able to find time

  • Lack of supportive relationships

If any of these reasons resonate with you, not to worry!

With the right tools and strategies, you can make exercise fun and stay motivated to keep working out.

Here are ten tips to get motivated to work out and make exercise fun.

10 Tips to Get Motivated to Work Out

  1. Make Exercise Part of Your Routine

  2. Find Time to Work Out

  3. Determine What is Causing You to Feel Tired

  4. Try Different Workouts

  5. Celebrate Progress

  6. Discover Your "Why"

  7. Enlist the Help of a Health Coach or Personal Trainer

  8. Set Realistic Goals

  9. Find an Exercise Partner

  10. Make Exercise Fun!

1. Make Exercise Part of Your Routine

The best way to stay motivated is to make exercise part of your daily routine. That means setting aside a regular time each day or week that’s dedicated solely to working out.

This will help you develop habits that will stick with you in the long run. Plus, having a designated time for exercising becomes less daunting (and more exciting!) since it's not just something you "fit into" your schedule when you have extra time.

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2. Find Time to Work Out

Working out can be challenging to make time for, especially with life's other daily obligations.

It can take a lot of work to fit it in. But there are ways to prioritize exercise and get creative with carving out time in the day.

For example, you can set your alarm a little earlier, so you have time to go for a jog or do some stretching before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.

You could also block off an hour during lunch break to walk around your neighborhood or hit the gym near your office.

At the end of the night, if you're feeling uninspired, turn on YouTube and find an at-home workout video – they’re always available!

With creativity and commitment, you can find ways to build physical activity into your routine.

Even if it might feel like there isn't enough time in the day.

3. Determine What is Causing You to Feel Tired

It can be hard to stay motivated when you're feeling exhausted.

The good news is that there are some things you can do to get your motivation back. One of the best ways to deal with feeling too tired to work out is to break up your workout into smaller chunks.

You can also try doing shorter activities and adding more rest days to your routine. That way, you will feel energized when it's time to exercise.

It is essential to make sure you are getting enough sleep.

Adequate sleep is essential to good physical and mental health.

Getting enough sleep can be the difference between having the energy to work out or feeling too tired to even think about it.

Unfortunately, many people need more sleep. For adults, the general recommendation is seven or more hours each night.

It's important to remember that this is just a guideline. Individual needs can vary significantly depending on factors like age, lifestyle, and sleep quality.

Getting enough sleep is critical for keeping your energy levels up so you have the strength and motivation to stay active!

Using a fitness watch can help you ensure you are getting the sleep you need!

4. Try Different Workouts

Another way to stay motivated and make exercise fun is to try different workouts.

This could mean switching up your routine every so often or introducing something new.

It may even be as simple as trying a new class or participating in a group event.

Doing something different will help keep you from getting bored and make working out more enjoyable.

Give some of these workouts a try:

  • Zumba

  • Pilates

  • Yoga (try aerial or hot flow classes)

  • Boxing classes

  • Water sports (think surfing and kayaking)

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5. Celebrate Progress

Don’t forget to celebrate your progress.

Whenever you reach a milestone, take the time to pat yourself on the back and enjoy your accomplishments.

This will help motivate you to keep going and make exercise fun again.

Whether tracking your workouts or taking a break to reward yourself with something special. Celebrating your progress is essential to staying motivated.

You could also treat yourself to a massage or spa day after reaching a milestone, go out for dinner with friends and family, or even take a trip!

Celebrating progress is all about recognizing the hard work you put in.

Not only does it make you appreciate your efforts, but it can also motivate you to keep going.

Plus, celebrating progress will help boost your confidence. It will remind you that even small successes are worth celebrating.

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6. Discover Your "Why"

One of the most important steps to staying motivated and making exercise fun is discovering your "why."

Why are you working out?

It's too easy to get discouraged when you don't meet your fitness goals. But a clear purpose can help keep you going.

An excellent way to do this is to think about how staying active will benefit your life and make you feel better.

Write down your goals, visualize yourself achieving them, and use that as motivation to keep going.

For me, working out has become an integral part of my life. I have found many benefits that have come with making it a priority.

Beyond wanting to manage my endometriosis symptoms, taking care of my health and fitness keeps me in shape so I can keep up with my daughters.

Doing things together gives us quality time and allows me to be an example of pursuing a healthy lifestyle.

And the feeling I get when I'm finished working out? Unbeatable! It reminds me why everything is worth it.

The boost to my self-confidence, feeling stronger, sharper, and more energized than before, also keeps me motivated.

7.  Enlist the Help of a Health Coach or Personal Trainer

It’s easy to become overwhelmed when planning a workout routine by yourself, so why not enlist the help of an expert?

A health coach or personal trainer can provide personalized advice based on your individual needs and goals.

They can even come up with custom exercises tailored to your unique needs.

They will also hold you accountable, which is essential to staying motivated and for long-term success.

Enlisting the help of a health coach or personal trainer is an effective way to stay motivated and make exercise fun.

A health coach or personal trainer can also help you track your progress and offer support if you’re struggling.

Having the expertise of a coach or trainer can help you stay on track, reach your goals faster, and experience the joy and satisfaction that comes with being active.


this is why you feel unmotivated to workout

8. Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is critical when it comes to staying motivated.

Start small with achievable goals such as walking for 10 minutes daily or doing a few push-ups each morning before work.

Once these become second nature, increase the intensity by adding more reps or increasing the duration of each session. But always remember to set realistic goals!

Unattainable goals only lead to disappointment and frustration, neither of which are beneficial to staying motivated.

When setting realistic goals, being honest with yourself is essential.

Start by asking questions like “What am I capable of achieving?” and “How much effort am I willing to put in?”

Knowing your limits and capabilities will help you set attainable goals that you can reach.

Also, setting short-term and long-term goals will give you something to work towards.

Whether that is running a 5K or improving upper body strength.

This can help break up your workouts into more manageable portions and provide motivation when things get tough.

With realistic goals in place, you can stay motivated and achieve success - all while having fun!

9. Find an Exercise Partner

Staying motivated is much easier when you have someone to share the experience with.

Enlist a family member or friend and make it a date. You’ll be more likely to keep up with your routine if you know that someone is waiting for you to show up.

Plus, having an exercise partner can help make your workouts more enjoyable and provide motivation when it’s needed.

Finding an exercise partner is a great way to stay motivated when you don’t feel like exercising.

Having someone with you makes the whole experience so much easier. You can keep each other accountable and push each other to work harder.

Not to mention, it distracts from the actual workout itself, which can help make exercise more bearable.

And when all else fails, you’ll have someone there to cheer you on and motivate you to keep going!

10. Make Exercise Fun!

Exercise doesn't have to be boring!

Try mixing up your routine by taking dance classes or joining a yoga studio.

These activities will keep things fresh and exciting while allowing you to get fit in the process!

You could also join an intramural sports team or sign up for outdoor boot camps in your area. There are plenty of ways to make exercise fun! 

Group fitness classes can be a great way to stay motivated and keep things interesting. Not only can you get a killer workout, but it's also a great way to meet new people and have some fun!

Try Zumba, spinning, boot camp, or kickboxing classes!

You could also join an organized sports team like basketball or soccer for an extra challenge.

And remember outdoor activities like hiking, biking, swimming, or running. These all provide excellent cardiovascular benefits with the bonus of enjoying nature.

No matter what style of exercise you choose, remember to make sure it's something that you enjoy doing to stay motivated.


To sum it all up, staying motivated to exercise can be difficult, but it is possible with the right attitude and strategies.

From setting realistic goals to finding an exercise partner or making exercise fun, there are plenty of ways to stay motivated and keep your routine enjoyable.

Remember, you don't have to do it alone!

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My program is designed to provide you with the motivation and accountability required to achieve your fitness objectives.

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Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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