7 ways to manage menopause holistically

7  ways to manage menopause holistically

I've always believed that life's most challenging moments often lead us toward the greatest paths of self-discovery and growth.

It was during one of these challenging times, navigating the unpredictable seas of perimenopause, that I found myself searching for more than just conventional remedies.

I was looking for a holistic lifeline, something that would not only ease my symptoms but also align with my body's natural rhythms and needs.

Through my own struggles with night sweats, mood swings, and sleepless nights, I've gathered a treasure trove of insights and practices.

These practices have not only helped me but also the women I’ve had the privilege to support.

Today, I'm excited to share with you "7 Ways to Manage Menopause Holistically."

These aren't just any strategies; they are the ones that I've personally found to be transformative, not only for myself but for many women who have walked this journey alongside me.

From tweaking our diets to embracing gentle yet effective forms of exercise, and finding solace in mindfulness, each tip is a piece of the puzzle that has helped us reclaim our bodies' harmony and vitality during menopause.

So, whether you're currently navigating this transition yourself, or you're gathering knowledge for when the time comes, I invite you to join me as we explore these holistic pathways together.

Remember, menopause is not just an end to a phase but the beginning of a new chapter, one that can be filled with wellness, understanding, and joy. Let's dive in!

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1. Stress Management to Manage Menopause

Let's talk about something that doesn't get nearly enough airtime when we're discussing menopause: stress management.

Now, I know what you're thinking – easier said than done, right? But hear me out. Managing stress isn't just about feeling less frazzled (although that's a huge plus). It's actually a key player in navigating menopause more smoothly.

Here are some tips for stress management:

  • Breathe Deeply: I'm serious. Something as simple as taking deep, intentional breaths can be a game changer. It's like hitting the pause button on life's chaos for a moment.

  • Move Your Body: Whether it's yoga, walking, or dancing around your living room, moving helps shake off the stress and keeps those menopause symptoms at a more manageable level.

  • Find Your Zen: Meditation, mindfulness, a cup of tea in silence – find what soothes your soul and make it a non-negotiable part of your day.

The thing is, stress and menopause feed off each other. Tackling stress head-on doesn't just make today feel more manageable. It smooths out the road ahead.

And who doesn't want a smoother journey through menopause? Let's not let stress take the driver's seat.

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2. Sleep to Manage Menopause

Now, let's chat about something we all love but might not be getting enough of – sleep. When it comes to menopause, catching those Z's becomes more important than ever.

It's like your body's own version of a nightly reboot, helping to keep those menopause symptoms in check. But how much sleep is good sleep?

Aim for:

  • 7 to 8 hours a night: Yes, it sounds like a dream for some of us, but it's the golden range we should aim for.

Here are some tips to help you sleep better:

  • Create a Sleep Sanctuary: Make your bedroom a haven for sleep. Cool, dark, and quiet is the way to go.

  • Establish a Routine: Your body loves predictability. Try to hit the hay and wake up at the same time every day.

  • Wind Down: Give yourself permission to slow down before bed. A book, some gentle stretching, or a relaxation routine can work wonders.

Remember, good sleep isn't just about making it through the next day without a coffee IV; it's about giving your body the rest it needs to navigate menopause with grace.

So, let's prioritize those precious hours of shut-eye and make them count!

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3. Nutrition to Manage Menopause

Diving into the world of nutrition during menopause can feel like navigating a culinary maze, but it's simpler than you think.

It's not just about what we eat; it's about how our meals can support us through this transition.

Let's break it down:

  • Moderate Carbs: You've probably heard all sorts of things about carbs. Here's the scoop: you don't need to ditch them, just choose wisely. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can be your allies, providing the energy your body needs without the rollercoaster ride for your blood sugar.

  • Combine protein, fat, and carbs in every meal: This combo is like a symphony. Each nutrient plays its part. Protein keeps you feeling full and satisfied, fats give you long-lasting energy, and carbs fuel your brain and muscles. Together, they ensure your body gets a balanced mix of nutrients, helping to keep those menopause symptoms at bay.

And don't forget:

  • Hydrate: Water is your best friend. Keeping hydrated helps manage hot flashes and keeps your body functioning like a well-oiled machine.

Eating well during menopause isn't just about dodging weight gain or battling symptoms. It's about nourishing your body in a way that supports your overall well-being.

So, let's embrace protein, healthy fats, and yes, even carbs, with open arms (and maybe a glass of water on the side).

4. Get Support to Manage Menopause

Let's be real, menopause can feel like a solo journey at times, but it doesn't have to be.

Finding a community or getting the right support can make a world of difference. Imagine having someone to share your wins with, vent about those sleepless nights or exchange tips on managing hot flashes.

That's the beauty of not going it alone.

Talk About It

Sometimes, just talking about what you're going through can lift a huge weight off your shoulders.

Whether it's friends, family, or a support group, opening up is step one.

And for those looking for a community that specifically focuses on holistic wellness for women, consider joining my Facebook group on holistic wellness for women.

It's a safe space to share experiences, tips, and receive support from others navigating similar journeys.

Engaging with a community that understands can make all the difference in managing menopause holistically.

>>> Click HERE to join. We’d love to have you!

Seek Expertise

There's no shame in seeking help from the pros. A healthcare provider or a holistic health coach can offer tailored advice that fits your lifestyle.

And speaking of holistic health coaching, if you're looking for a more guided approach, I've got something for you.

"Thriving Beyond 30: A Women's Guide to Holistic Wellness" is a comprehensive guide that I've poured my heart into, and it comes with the option of personalized email support from me, a holistic health coach.

Whether you go with this resource or not, the most important thing is finding the support that feels right for you.

Let's navigate this journey together, with a little help from our friends (and maybe a guidebook along the way).

Hold on, before you continue scrolling!

Exciting news for anyone looking to balance their hormones naturally: I've created the Nourish, Flourish, Thrive: Holistic Wellness Challenge just for you.

This FREE download is your go-to guide for naturally balancing those tricky hormones.

Crafted from my personal battles with fertility, hormone imbalances, endometriosis, and my holistic health coach wisdom, it's packed with everything to kick your health up a notch in just a few weeks.

Pretty exciting, right?

From better sleep to top-notch nutrition, I've got it all.

Ready to revamp your wellness game?

Download the Nourish, Flourish, Thrive: Holistic Wellness Challenge below.

Let's start flourishing together!

↓Get Your FREE Download!↓

5. Movement: Resistance, Stretch, Cardio to Manage Menopause

When it comes to menopause, think of movement as your secret weapon. It's not just about keeping fit. It's about creating a balance that supports your body through all the changes.

Incorporating a mix of resistance training, stretching, and cardio can work wonders.

Here's how:

  • Resistance Training: Grab those weights or resistance bands. Building strength can help combat the loss of muscle mass that often comes with age, keeping your metabolism humming.

  • Stretching: Don't underestimate the power of a good stretch. It keeps you flexible, reduces stress, and can even help ease those aches and pains. Yoga or Pilates, anyone?

  • Cardio: Get that heart pumping! Whether it's a brisk walk, a dance session in your living room, or a bike ride, cardio is key for heart health and mood boosting.

Mixing up these types of exercise not only keeps things interesting but also ensures your body gets all the different kinds of movement it needs during menopause.

Plus, there's something incredibly empowering about taking charge of your well-being, one step (or stretch or lift) at a time.

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6. Intermittent Fasting: Balancing Blood Sugar and Hormones

Have you heard about intermittent fasting? It's not just a trend. It's a lifestyle change that can play a significant role in managing menopause.

And it has been an absolute game changer for me in managing my perimenopause symptoms and improving my overall wellness!

Here’s the thing: balancing blood sugar and hormones is like trying to keep a seesaw level. It's delicate but crucial, especially now.

Intermittent fasting comes into play by giving your body a break from the constant digesting mode, and here's why that's important:

  • Blood Sugar Stability: When you fast for certain periods, your body learns to use energy more efficiently. This means fewer spikes and crashes in your blood sugar levels, which can help keep those mood swings and cravings at bay.

  • Hormonal Harmony: Fasting can also encourage hormonal balance. It gives your insulin levels a chance to normalize, and there's evidence to suggest it can positively influence other hormones related to hunger and satiety.

Why does this matter during menopause? Well, as our bodies go through this transition, keeping our blood sugar and hormones as stable as possible can make a big difference in how we feel.

Think of it as smoothing out the bumps on a road trip. Intermittent fasting isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, but it's worth exploring as a tool to navigate the menopausal journey with a bit more ease.

Plus, it's empowering to take control of your health in such a tangible way!


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7. Reducing Exposure to Environmental Toxins

Navigating menopause is a bit like steering through a maze, and environmental toxins are those unexpected obstacles that pop up just when you think you've found your way.

These sneaky substances can be found in the most ordinary places, but the good news is, with a little awareness, you can minimize their impact.

Let’s break it down:

  • Personal Care Products: Yep, your favorite shampoo or lotion might contain parabens and phthalates. These chemicals can mess with your hormones. The Alternative? Look for natural or organic products that proudly state they're free of these nasties.

  • Plastics: Ah, plastics, they’re everywhere! Especially concerning are BPA and its cousins, which can leach into food and drinks. The Swap? Opt for glass or stainless steel containers for food storage and hydration.

  • Cleaning Supplies: Those sparkling counters might come at a cost. Many household cleaners are loaded with harsh chemicals. The Solution? Vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can become your new best friends for a toxin-free clean.

Reducing exposure to these environmental toxins isn't just about dodging their immediate effects.

It's about giving your body a fighting chance to manage menopause symptoms more smoothly.

It’s like lightening the load so your body doesn’t have to work as hard to keep things balanced. And the best part? The alternatives often mean a healthier home and planet. Win-win!

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Wrapping Up

And just like that, we've danced through the ins and outs of managing menopause with a bit more grace and a lot less stress.

From tweaking our diets to embracing movement, intermittent fasting, and dodging those sneaky environmental toxins, it's clear there's a whole toolkit at our disposal.

Remember, navigating menopause isn't about perfection. It's about making informed choices that feel right for you and your body.

Whether it's swapping plastic for glass or taking a brisk walk in the sunshine, every little change is a step towards feeling more like yourself during this transition.

Remember, while menopause might feel like a solo journey, you're far from alone.

Let's continue to keep the conversation alive, celebrate our victories, and offer a helping hand when needed.

By joining my Facebook group on holistic wellness for women, you're tapping into a community ready to embrace, support, and walk alongside you through every up and down.

And if you are seeking even more guidance, don't forget to check out my comprehensive guide on holistic wellness.

This guide is designed to complement the support you'll find in our vibrant community, offering practical tips and insights to help you navigate this journey with confidence.

Together, with the right resources and a supportive community, we stand united in transforming this phase into an opportunity for personal growth and well-being.

Let's move forward through menopause and beyond, together, with grace and strength!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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