How to Declutter Your Closet in 10 Steps

How to Declutter Your Closet in 10 steps

Have you ever stood in front of your closet, staring at a sea of clothes, and thought, "I have nothing to wear"? We've all been there.

The truth is, a cluttered closet can make getting dressed feel like a chore. But I'm here to help!

In this blog post, I’ll share with you 10 simple steps to declutter your closet and transform it into an organized, stress-free space.

Ready to reclaim your wardrobe and simplify your mornings? Let’s get started!

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Why Declutter Your Closet?

Decluttering your closet can seem really difficult, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process much smoother.

Imagine an organized, stress-free closet where you can easily find your favorite outfits and feel good about your wardrobe choices. It’s not just a dream—it’s entirely achievable!

Here’s what you’ll gain from following these 10 steps:

  • More Space: Free up room for the items you truly love and wear.

  • Easier Access: Make mornings less stressful by quickly finding your outfits.

  • Efficient Wardrobe: Streamline your closet for better organization.

  • Satisfaction: Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a tidy space.

  • Extra Cash: Potentially earn some money from selling unwanted items.

Step 1: Set a Goal and Schedule

First things first, decide on your decluttering goals.

Are you looking for more space in your closet, easier access to your favorite outfits, or a more minimalist and streamlined wardrobe? Clarifying your goals will guide your decisions throughout the process.

Once you've determined your goal, set a specific time for this task. Treat it like an appointment with yourself, ensuring you have enough time to complete it without feeling rushed.

It could be a full afternoon or spread over a weekend. The key is to allocate ample time so you can focus and do it right. Dedicating time upfront will make the entire process more effective and less stressful.

Step 2: Gather Supplies

Before you start, gather all the supplies you'll need. Having everything ready will help you stay organized and keep the process smooth.

Here’s a quick list:

  • Boxes: For items to donate or sell.

  • Bins: For seasonal storage.

  • Trash Bags: For items to discard.

  • Labels: To keep everything organized.

Organizing your supplies beforehand means you won't have to interrupt your decluttering flow to look for what you need. This preparation might seem simple, but it makes a big difference in keeping you on track and motivated.

Step 3: Empty Your Closet

This step might seem overwhelming, but it's essential. Remove everything from your closet and place it in a designated area, such as your bed or a clear space on the floor.

Starting with a clean slate allows you to see exactly what you have and makes it easier to assess each item. Plus, an empty closet gives you a fresh perspective on how you can better utilize the space.

Seeing your closet completely empty might be a shock at first, but it sets the stage for a thorough declutter.

You might even discover forgotten items or hidden treasures that have been buried under piles of clothes.

Step 4: Sort Your Clothing

Now it's time to sort through all your clothes. Create four piles:

  • Keep: Items you love and wear frequently.

  • Donate: Clothes in good condition that you no longer want.

  • Sell: Higher-value items that could earn you some extra cash.

  • Discard: Worn-out or damaged items that can't be repaired.

Use criteria such as the condition of the item and frequency of wear to make your decisions. If you haven’t worn something in the past six months, it’s probably time to let it go.

This step helps you prioritize what really belongs in your closet and what doesn’t.

Step 5: Try Everything On

This might be the most time-consuming step, but it's crucial. Try on each item to assess its fit and comfort. Ask yourself:

  • Does it still fit well?

  • Do I feel good wearing it?

  • Have I worn it in the past six months?

This helps you make quick decisions about what stays and what goes based on how each piece looks and feels on you right now. It’s an eye-opening experience that often reveals which items you truly value and which ones are just taking up space.

Step 6: Evaluate Accessories and Shoes

Don’t forget about your accessories and shoes. These items can easily accumulate and create clutter just like clothing.

Include them in your sorting process to ensure every part of your wardrobe is organized. Use similar criteria as you did with your clothes:

  • Condition: Are they still in good shape? Check for wear and tear.

  • Compatibility: Do they complement your current wardrobe?

  • Usage: Have you used them recently or do they hold sentimental value?

Accessories like belts, hats, scarves, and jewelry can take up a lot of space if not properly organized. The same goes for shoes.

Separate your accessories and shoes into the same categories—keep, donate, sell, discard. This ensures that you’re only holding onto pieces that add value to your wardrobe.

How to Declutter Your Closet in 10 steps

Step 7: Organize What You’re Keeping

Now that you’ve sorted everything, it’s time to organize what you’re keeping. This is where your closet truly transforms. Use tools like:

  • Hangers: Invest in matching hangers for a uniform look. Use sturdy hangers for heavier items like coats.

  • Shelf Dividers: Perfect for folded items and purses.

  • Storage Bins: For seasonal or less frequently used items. Clear bins are great because you can see what’s inside without opening them.

  • Shoe Racks: Keep your shoes visible and organized. Over-the-door shoe organizers can save a lot of space.

Think about the layout that works best for you. Perhaps you prefer color-coding your clothes, grouping by type (tops, bottoms, dresses), or even organizing by season.

The goal is to create a system that makes it easy to find what you need and keeps your closet neat.

Step 8: Donate or Sell Unwanted Items

For the items you’ve decided to let go of, find local donation centers or online platforms where you can sell them.

Not only are you giving back to the community, but you might also earn a little extra cash. Here are some options:

  • Local Charities: Many accept gently used clothing. Organizations like Goodwill or the Salvation Army are great places to start.

  • Online Marketplaces: Sites like eBay, Poshmark, or ThredUp are ideal for selling higher-value items.

  • Community Sales: Garage sales or consignment shops can be a convenient and profitable way to offload unwanted items.

This step not only reduces waste but also gives your items a second life, benefiting others and possibly even your wallet.

Plus, knowing your items will be used by someone else can make the decluttering process feel more rewarding.

Step 9: Dispose of Trash and Damaged Items

Properly dispose of any clothing that’s beyond repair. Look for environmentally friendly options to recycle textiles and reduce waste.

Many communities have textile recycling programs or drop-off points. Here are some environmentally conscious options:

  • Textile Recycling Programs: Some municipalities offer curbside pickup or drop-off locations for old textiles.

  • Repurposing: Get creative! Old t-shirts can become cleaning rags or craft materials.

  • Specialized Services: Companies like TerraCycle offer mail-in recycling programs for items that can't go in your regular recycling bin.

Avoid just tossing everything in the trash. With a little effort, you can minimize your environmental impact and feel good about responsibly managing your waste.

Step 10: Maintain Your Organized Closet

Finally, keep your newly organized closet tidy by adopting regular habits. Here are some practical tips:

  • Regular Cleanouts: Schedule a mini-declutter every few months to reassess your wardrobe and remove items you no longer wear.

  • One-In-One-Out Rule: For every new item you buy, donate or discard one existing item. This helps maintain balance and prevents clutter from building up again.

  • Mindful Shopping: Be intentional about new purchases. Ask yourself if you really need an item before buying it.

Consistency is key to maintaining an organized closet and enjoying the benefits of a clutter-free space year-round.

By developing these habits, you can ensure that your closet remains a source of joy rather than stress.

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Closing Thoughts

Decluttering your closet doesn't have to be overwhelming. By breaking it down into these 10 steps, you can tackle the task more effectively and enjoy the process.

Remember, the goal is to create a space that makes your daily routine easier and more enjoyable.

Set clear goals, gather your supplies, and take it one step at a time. Be honest with yourself about what you truly need and love. Once you're through the process, maintaining an organized closet becomes much simpler.

Regular cleanouts and mindful shopping habits will help keep your space clutter-free.

In the end, an organized closet isn’t just about having a tidy space—it’s about creating a more streamlined, stress-free start to your day.

You deserve to open your closet and feel good about what you see. So take a deep breath, dive in, and enjoy the benefits of a well-organized wardrobe.


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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