6 Fun Money Games for Kids

6 fun money games for kids

Do you want to get your kids excited about managing money? 

With these six fun money games, children can learn how to save and budget in an entertaining way. Money skills gained from these activities provide tangible benefits for the whole family. 

As parents, we all know that teaching financial literacy is important. But making it fun is key!

Let's explore some of the best money management games designed for kids, so you can help your kids develop healthy habits around saving and spending wisely.

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Game 1: Monopoly

Let's kick things off with an all-time family favorite - Monopoly!

This classic board game has been a staple in households for generations and there's a good reason why. It's not just fun, it's also a fantastic way for kids to get a hands-on lesson in money management.

In Monopoly, players roll dice to move around the game board, buying and trading properties, and developing them with houses and hotels.

They collect rent from their opponents. The goal is to drive them all into bankruptcy, leaving one monopolist in control of the entire economy. Sounds intense, right?

But here's where the learning comes in. Monopoly teaches kids crucial financial lessons about earning and saving money.

As they navigate through the game, they learn the value of investing wisely and planning for the future.

They're also introduced to concepts like mortgages, and taxes. The potential consequences of financial risk are also introduced in this game.

So not only is Monopoly a barrel of laughs, but it's also setting up our kids with some major money smarts!

>> Buy Monopoly HERE!

Game 2: The Game of Life

Next on our list is a game that's all about the journey – The Game of Life!

This exciting board game offers kids a colorful, fun-filled introduction to the ups and downs of life, including financial ones.

The Game of Life is played on a winding track. Players spin a wheel to advance, making decisions about their lives, such as choosing a career, getting married, and starting a family.

As players go through the game, they earn money, pay bills, and face unexpected expenses, like in real life.

What makes The Game of Life so special is its focus on teaching children about the value of good financial decisions.

It encourages them to think strategically about earning, spending, and saving money. They learn about the benefits of college, high-paying jobs, and investing.

The game also teaches kids about the potential pitfalls of debt and unforeseen expenses.

So, while your kids are having a blast playing The Game of Life, they're also learning important lessons about managing money that will serve them well in their own lives.

>>>Buy the Game of Life HERE!

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Game 3: Pay Day

Swinging into the third spot on our list is the one and only - Pay Day!

This game is great when it comes to teaching kids about personal finance, all while keeping things fun and engaging.

What's awesome about Pay Day is that it offers a realistic and hands-on approach to managing finances.

As kids navigate through the game, they learn about earning money, budgeting for bills, and the importance of saving.

Players also learn about loans and interest, which are important parts of real-world money management.

And the best part? They're having so much fun, they won't even realize they're learning!

The next time you're looking for a game that's both entertaining and educational, give Pay Day a shot!

>>>Buy the Game of Life HERE!

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Game 4: Money Bingo

Rolling into our fourth slot is a game that’s both entertaining and educational - Money Bingo!

This game is a unique twist on the traditional bingo that we all know and love, with the bonus of teaching kids about money.

What makes Money Bingo so great is that it's a fun way to teach kids about the value of coins.

As they play, they learn to identify different coins, understand their values, and add them up. These are all crucial skills for making change and saving money.

Plus, since it's played in a group, it's also a great way for kids to practice teamwork and communication.

Next time you're looking for a fun, money-savvy game, give Money Bingo a spin!

>>>Buy Money Bingo HERE!


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Game 5: Managing My Allowance Money Game

Next up on our list of fun money games for kids is a dynamite game that’s all about doling out dollars wisely - Managing My Allowance Money Game!

This interactive game provides kids with hands-on experience in managing their financial affairs.

The beauty of this game lies in its ability to teach kids about earning, spending, and saving money in a fun and engaging way.

It drives home the concept of budgeting and helps children understand the value of hard work. It also introduces them to the idea of making informed decisions about when to save and spend. 

This game is a great way to help your kids learn about money management while having a blast!

>>>Buy Manage My Money HERE!

Game 6: DIY Grocery Store

Rounding up our list is a game that brings out the creativity in kids while teaching them about money – the DIY Grocery Store!

This homemade game can be set up right in your living room, turning an ordinary day into an exciting adventure in finance.

Setting up a DIY Grocery Store is as simple as it sounds. Use items from your kitchen to stock your store and put a price on each item with a sticky note.

You can also buy toy grocery items for this game if you don’t want to use items from your kitchen!

This game is simple! You give your kids play money. They then take turns being the shopper and the cashier. To enhance the learning experience, the shopper can have a budget.

They must buy what they need without going over budget. The cashier also has to give the correct change.

What's great about this game is how it teaches kids about budgeting, spending, and change-making. 

It also introduces kids to "needs" vs. "wants", helping them understand the importance of making smart spending decisions. 

Plus, playing this game is a good way to improve kids' math skills in a fun and engaging way. 


Wrapping up, these top 6 fun money games for kids are not just entertaining but also valuable educational tools.

From Money Bingo to Managing My Allowance, each game provides a unique way for kids to learn about earning, spending, and saving money.

They introduce essential concepts like budgeting, decision-making, and the value of hard work engagingly and interactively.

So try out these games with your little ones and watch them become money-savvy whizzes in no time!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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