7 Ways to Teach Your Kids About Money

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Raising kids in the modern world can be a challenging undertaking. Teaching them about money is an especially important part of parenting, but one that's difficult to accomplish – where do we even start?

It’s true that money is not easy to talk about, no matter how old our children are. But if you make it into a fun and engaging learning experience, your kids can learn early on how to handle their finances wisely.

In this blog post, you’ll find 7 ways to help teach your kids financial responsibility from a young age!

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1. Understanding the Value of Money

Let's dive right into our first lesson - understanding the value of money. This might seem like a simple concept to us adults, but for kids, it's an entirely new world.

It's crucial to start at the very beginning and explain that money isn't just paper and coins, but something we exchange for goods and services.

Here are some practical ways to instill this understanding in your little ones:

  • Start by explaining the basic concept of trade. Use examples from daily life, like buying groceries or toys, to make it relatable.

  • Play pretend shop at home. Let your kids 'buy' items using play money. This will help them understand that different items have different costs.

  • Use a clear jar to save money. Unlike a piggy bank, a clear jar allows kids to see their money growing. Each time they add money, they'll see their savings increase and understand that saving takes time.

  • When out shopping, show them how you decide which items to buy - comparing prices, checking quality, and considering necessity.

2. Earning Money

Next up on our financial journey is Earning Money.

It's important for kids to understand that money doesn't just appear out of thin air - it's earned through hard work and dedication.

Here are some ideas to help your kids grasp the concept of earning money:

  • Assign chores and give them a small allowance in return. This helps children understand the correlation between work and pay.

  • Encourage entrepreneurial spirit. Lemonade stands, selling handmade crafts, or offering pet-sitting services can be fun ways for kids to earn their own money.

  • Teach them about different jobs and how people earn money in various professions. This can be an eye-opening experience for them.

  • For older kids, discuss the concept of salaries, hourly wages, and tips. Explain how different jobs have different payment structures.

  • Show them your paycheck and explain how you earn money by working. Make sure to explain taxes and deductions too!

The goal isn't to overwhelm them but to introduce the idea that effort leads to reward.

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3. Saving and Spending Wisely

Alright, now that we've covered earning money, let's talk about the next big step - Saving and Spending Wisely.

It's one thing to earn money, but knowing how to manage it is a whole different ball game.

Here are some tips to help your children learn about saving and smart spending:

  • Introduce the concept of saving for a goal. Whether it's a new toy or a special treat, encourage your kids to save their money for something they really want.

  • Teach them to differentiate between needs and wants. This understanding will help them make smarter spending decisions.

  • Consider matching their savings. For every dollar they save, you can add a certain amount. This can motivate them to save more.

  • Use visual aids like charts or graphs to track their savings progress. This makes the process more tangible and exciting for them.

  • Discuss the idea of sales and discounts. Explain how waiting for a sale can save them money in the long run.

By teaching kids to save and spend wisely, we're equipping them with skills that will serve them well into adulthood.


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4. Using a Bank Account

Moving on to our next lesson - Using a Bank Account.

It's never too early to introduce your kids to banking. Understanding how a bank account works is a fundamental step in their financial education.

Here are some ways you can teach your kids about using a bank account:

  • Open a savings account in their name. This not only gives them a sense of responsibility but also teaches them about interest and how their money can grow over time.

  • Take them with you on your next visit to the bank. Show them how transactions are done and explain what each process means.

  • Explain the concept of ATM cards and checks, and how they relate to the money in the bank.

  • Discuss online banking and how technology has made managing money easier.

  • Teach them about bank statements. Show them how to read one and explain what each part means.

Helping kids understand banking can empower them to make wise financial decisions in the future. So let's turn those piggy banks into real ones!

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5. Budgeting

We're almost through our financial lessons, and it's time to address a crucial topic - Budgeting.

It's a skill that even some adults struggle with. But introducing it early can set your kids up for a lifetime of financial success.

Here are some strategies to teach your children about budgeting:

  • Give them a fixed allowance and let them manage it. This will help them understand the concept of income and expenses.

  • Help them create a simple budget. Divide it into categories like 'needs', 'wants', and 'savings'.

  • Play games that involve money management. Games like Monopoly can be fun and educational.

  • Discuss the importance of staying within a budget. Explain the consequences of overspending.

  • Encourage them to track their spending. They could use a notebook or a budgeting app.

Budgeting is all about making smart decisions with money. So let's equip our kids with this valuable life skill today!

6. Giving and Donating

As we continue our journey in teaching kids about money, let's not forget about the importance of Giving and Donating.

It's essential to instill in our children the value of generosity and the impact their contributions can make.

Here are some tips to teach your kids about giving and donating:

  • Encourage them to set aside a portion of their allowance for charity. This could be part of their budgeting lesson.

  • Help them choose a cause they care about. They're more likely to donate if they feel connected to the cause.

  • Make donating a family activity. Whether it's volunteering time or donating goods, doing it together makes it more meaningful.

  • Explain the concept of fundraising. They could participate in a school fundraiser or even start their own.

  • Discuss the joy and satisfaction that comes from helping others. Sharing personal experiences can make this lesson more impactful.

Teaching kids about giving and donating doesn't just make them better money managers, it makes them better people.

7. Investing

Next on our list of money lessons is a powerful one - Investing.

While it may seem like a grown-up concept, introducing kids to the basics of investing can be a game-changer for their financial future.

Here's how you can introduce the concept of investing to your children:

  • Begin with simple concepts like 'making your money work for you'. Use examples they can relate to, such as planting a seed and watching it grow.

  • Talk about different types of investments – stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Explain each in simple language.

  • Use online investment games or apps designed for kids. This can make learning about investing fun and interactive.

  • Discuss the importance of diversification and the risks associated with investing.

  • If possible, help them make a small investment and track it together. Seeing the process in action can be very educational.

Investing isn't just about making more money. It's about understanding the value of patience, research, and calculated risks.


And there you have it - seven essential money lessons to teach our kids.

From understanding the value of money to recognizing the importance of giving and donating, these skills will serve as a solid foundation for their financial future.

It’s never too early to start these conversations and turn these lessons into habits.

After all, our goal as parents is not just to raise smart kids but also financially savvy adults.

Let's empower them with the knowledge they need to make informed financial decisions and lead a life of financial independence!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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