Top 9 Holistic Items You Need in Your Home

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You know, I always used to think my home was just a place to crash after a long day, a spot to stash my stuff, and maybe, just maybe, a space to binge-watch my favorite shows.

But then something shifted. It wasn't until I stumbled upon the power of holistic living after dealing with several health issues, that I realized my humble abode could be so much more – a sanctuary, a haven of healing, and a reflection of my commitment to overall well-being.

I think back to the days when my shelves were lined with random trinkets and my pantry was stocked with convenience foods that left me feeling sluggish and uninspired.

It was like my space was echoing the chaos within me.

But as I began to explore the world of holistic living, I discovered a whole new perspective on what it means to create a home that nurtures not just my body, but also my mind and soul.

It's amazing how a few intentional changes can transform a space – and your life along with it.

That's why I'm thrilled to share with you my top 9 holistic items that have become absolute essentials in my home.

From soothing essential oils to vibrant houseplants and everything in between, these items aren't just decorations – they're invitations to a more balanced, vibrant way of living.

So, grab your favorite mug of herbal tea, cozy up in your favorite nook, and let's dive into the world of holistic home essentials together. Trust me, your space – and your soul – will thank you for it.

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Top 9 Holistic Items You Need in Your Home

1.  Essential Oils

Alright, let's talk essential oils! These little powerhouses are like bottled magic for your senses, offering a myriad of benefits beyond just making your space smell amazing.

Here's why you'll want to jump on the aromatherapy bandwagon:

  • Mood Boosting: Ever catch a whiff of something and instantly feel a shift in your mood? That's the magic of aromatherapy! Essential oils have been known to uplift spirits, ease stress, and even promote better sleep. It's like a mini mood makeover in a bottle.

  • Relaxation Station: Picture this: You've had a long, hectic day, and all you want to do is unwind and relax. Cue the essential oils! Scents like lavender and chamomile are famous for their calming properties, helping you melt away tension and find your inner zen.

  • Purposeful Picks: With a vast array of essential oils out there, it can feel overwhelming to know which ones to choose. But fear not! Whether you need a boost of energy (hello, peppermint!) or some help with focus (thank you, rosemary!), there's an essential oil for every purpose under the sun.

Now, let's talk about bringing these aromatic wonders into your home.

Incorporating essential oils into your daily routine is easier than you might think:

  • Diffuser Delight: Invest in a quality essential oil diffuser to effortlessly infuse your space with your favorite scents. It's like having your own personal aromatherapy spa right in your living room!

  • DIY Blends: Get creative and whip up your own custom blends to suit your mood and needs. Whether you prefer floral, citrusy, or earthy scents, the possibilities are endless.

  • Topical Treatments: Don't forget that many essential oils can be diluted and applied topically for targeted benefits. From soothing sore muscles to nourishing skin, there's no limit to what these oils can do.

2. Houseplants

Let's talk about bringing a little green into your space – houseplants!

These leafy companions aren't just pretty to look at; they also pack a punch when it comes to your health and well-being:

  • Health Boosters: Did you know that houseplants can actually improve air quality? Yep, it's true! They act as natural air purifiers, filtering out toxins and releasing oxygen into your home. Plus, studies have shown that being around plants can reduce stress and boost your mood. Talk about a win-win!

  • Beginner-Friendly Beauties: Not exactly known for your green thumb? No worries! There are plenty of low-maintenance plants out there that are perfect for beginners. Think hearty succulents, resilient snake plants, and forgiving pothos vines. These little guys are practically indestructible – perfect for plant newbies.

  • Styling Staples: Now, let's talk about styling. Sure, you could plunk your plants down on a windowsill and call it a day. But why not get a little creative with your displays? Think hanging planters, wall-mounted shelves, or even a lush jungle corner. The sky's the limit when it comes to showcasing your leafy friends.

  • Care and Feeding: Of course, keeping your houseplants happy and healthy is key. Make sure to give them the right amount of sunlight, water them regularly (but not too much!), and keep an eye out for any pests or diseases. With a little TLC, your plants will thrive and add a touch of green to your home for years to come.

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3. Natural Cleaning Products

Alright, let's chat about cleaning – but without all the harsh chemicals.

Conventional cleaning products may promise squeaky-clean surfaces, but they often come with a hefty dose of not-so-great stuff.

Here's why you might want to consider switching to natural alternatives:

  • Danger Zone: Ever read the fine print on the back of your favorite cleaning spray? Yeah, it's not exactly a list of ingredients you'd want to bathe in. Conventional cleaners often contain harsh chemicals like bleach, ammonia, and phthalates, which can irritate your skin, lungs, and even disrupt your hormones. Yikes!

  • Clean and Green: Enter natural cleaning products – your new best friends in the battle against grime. Ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice might sound like they belong in a recipe, but they're actually powerhouse cleaners in disguise. Not only are they safe for you and the environment, but they're also super effective at busting through dirt and grease.

  • DIY Delights: Ready to channel your inner chemist? Whip up your own homemade cleaners using simple ingredients from your pantry. From all-purpose sprays to toilet bowl bombs, there's a DIY recipe for pretty much every cleaning task under the sun. Plus, making your own cleaners is not only budget-friendly but also allows you to customize scents and ingredients to your liking. Talk about clean living!

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4. Organic Bedding

Let's talk about where you lay your head at night – your bedding! It's not just about thread count and aesthetics; there's a whole world of health and sustainability to consider.

Here's why organic bedding might just be the upgrade your sleep sanctuary needs:

  • Toxin-Free Zone: Your bed should be a haven of relaxation, not a hotspot for toxins. Conventional bedding often contains harmful chemicals like pesticides, synthetic dyes, and flame retardants, which can off-gas and expose you to unnecessary health risks. By opting for organic bedding, you're minimizing your exposure to these nasties and creating a healthier sleep environment.

  • Natural Goodness: Organic cotton, bamboo, and linen bedding aren't just better for your health; they're also better for the planet. These natural fibers are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, reducing the environmental impact of your bedding choices. Plus, they're often softer and more breathable than their conventional counterparts, giving you a cozier night's sleep.

  • Care and Comfort: When it comes to selecting and caring for organic bedding, a few tips can go a long way. Look for certifications like GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) or Oeko-Tex to ensure your bedding meets rigorous organic standards.

5.  Meditation Space

Ah, the art of mindfulness – it's like a mini vacation for your mind in the midst of life's chaos.

But to truly tap into that zen-like state, you need the right environment to support your practice. Here's how to create your own little slice of tranquility:

  • Designated Zen Zone: First things first, carve out a designated space in your home where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and sink into your meditation practice. Whether it's a cozy corner in your bedroom or a serene spot in the backyard, make it your own oasis of calm.

  • Calming Essentials: Now, let's talk ambiance. Fill your meditation space with elements that soothe the senses and invite relaxation. Think soft lighting, comfy cushions or a meditation pillow, and perhaps a touch of nature with a potted plant or a soothing water fountain. The key is to create a space that feels serene and inviting, like a warm hug for your soul.

  • Daily Rituals: Meditation isn't just for special occasions – it's a practice that can (and should!) be woven into your daily routine. Start by setting aside a few minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. You can also incorporate mindfulness into everyday activities like washing dishes, taking a walk, or even eating a meal. The more you practice, the more you'll find moments of peace and presence in the midst of life's chaos.

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6. Herbal Teas

Ah, herbal teas – nature's remedy for everything from a rough day to a pesky cold.

These flavorful brews aren't just delicious; they're also packed with goodness for your body and soul.

Here's why you'll want to stock up on herbal teas ASAP:

  • Relaxation Station: Need to unwind after a long day? Herbal teas are your ticket to relaxation city. Whether it's soothing chamomile, calming lavender, or stress-busting peppermint, these teas have a knack for calming the mind and soothing the soul. Sip, sigh, and feel the tension melt away.

  • Pantry Staples: No tea lover's pantry is complete without a stash of herbal goodies. From classic chamomile and peppermint to exotic blends like hibiscus and lemongrass, there's a herbal tea for every taste and occasion. Stock up on your favorites and watch your tea collection grow – your taste buds will thank you.

  • Sip in Style: Now, let's talk about getting creative with your herbal teas. Sure, you could simply steep a bag in hot water and call it a day – but where's the fun in that? Get adventurous and experiment with different brewing methods, like cold brewing for a refreshing summer treat or adding herbs and fruits to your tea for an extra burst of flavor. With herbal teas, the possibilities are endless – so drink up and enjoy!

7. Himalayan Salt Scrub

Let's talk about a little something that'll leave your skin feeling as smooth as butter – Himalayan salt scrub!

This magical concoction isn't just your average exfoliant. It's a powerhouse of goodness for your skin.

Here's why you'll want to make it a staple in your self-care routine:

  • Benefits: Say goodbye to rough, dull skin and hello to a silky-smooth glow, all thanks to Himalayan salt. Packed with minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium, this natural exfoliant buffs away dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and promotes circulation, leaving your skin looking and feeling rejuvenated.

  • DIY Delights: Who needs fancy spa treatments when you can whip up your own Himalayan salt scrub right at home? All you need is some Himalayan salt, a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil, and a few drops of your favorite essential oils for a personalized touch. Mix it all together, and voila – you've got yourself a luxurious scrub that'll rival anything you'd find at the spa.

  • Self-Care Sanctuary: Incorporating salt scrubs into your self-care routine is like giving yourself a mini spa day whenever you need it most. Set aside some time each week to indulge in a little pampering session – light some candles, put on your favorite playlist, and treat yourself to a blissful scrub-down.

8. Air Purifier

Let's clear the air – literally! When it comes to creating a healthy home environment, having clean indoor air is key.

Here's why you might want to consider investing in an air purifier:

  • Breathe Easy: Your lungs deserve a breath of fresh air, but unfortunately, indoor air can be filled with all sorts of pollutants like dust, pet dander, and even harmful chemicals from household cleaners. An air purifier acts as your trusty sidekick, filtering out these nasties and leaving you with cleaner, fresher air to breathe.

  • Purifier Picks: Now, let's talk options. There are a variety of air purifiers on the market, each with its own set of benefits. From HEPA filters that capture tiny particles to activated carbon filters that absorb odors and VOCs, there's a purifier out there to suit your specific needs. Plus, you can choose from portable units for individual rooms or whole-house systems for maximum coverage.

  • Choose Wisely: When it comes to selecting the right air purifier for your home, there are a few factors to consider. Think about the size of the space you'll be purifying, the specific pollutants you want to target, and your budget.

 9. Gratitude Journal

Alright, let's talk about a little thing that can make a big difference in your life – a gratitude journal.

It's like a daily dose of sunshine for your soul, helping you cultivate a mindset of abundance and appreciation.

Here's why you'll want to start one ASAP:

  • Attitude of Gratitude: Gratitude isn't just a warm, fuzzy feeling – it's a powerful practice that can transform your entire outlook on life. Research has shown that regularly acknowledging and expressing gratitude can lead to greater happiness, improved relationships, and even better physical health.

  • Journaling 101: So, how do you start your own gratitude journaling routine? It's simple, really. Find a notebook or journal that speaks to you, set aside a few minutes each day to reflect on what you're grateful for, and jot down your thoughts. You can write as much or as little as you like – the important thing is to make it a habit.

>>>You can read more about gratitude journaling basics HERE.

  • Everyday Gratitude: Gratitude journaling isn't just for special occasions or big moments – it's about finding joy in the everyday. Look for opportunities to incorporate gratitude into your daily life, whether it's by starting your day with a gratitude meditation, sharing what you're thankful for over dinner with loved ones, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty around you. With a little practice, gratitude will become second nature, and you'll find yourself living life with a heart full of thanks.

>>>Snag Your FREE Gratitude Journal Download HERE!


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Wrapping it Up   

Navigating the realm of holistic living is like embarking on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

From incorporating essential oils into your daily routine to sipping herbal teas for relaxation, each step towards holistic wellness is an opportunity to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

Whether you're seeking balance, vitality, or simply a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you, the holistic lifestyle offers endless possibilities for growth and fulfillment.

So, embrace the power of nature, trust in the wisdom of ancient practices, and remember that the path to holistic well-being is as unique and individual as you are.

Here's to living life in harmony with the rhythms of the universe and radiating with vibrant health and vitality every step of the way!


Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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