15 Ways to Manage PMS Holistically

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I think back to a time when I felt at the mercy of my own body. As someone living with endometriosis and hormone imbalances, I've had my fair share of challenging days, especially when PMS came knocking.

There were times when it felt like I was caught in a relentless storm. But, you know what they say about storms, right? They don't last forever. And sometimes, they lead you to the path you're meant to tread.

That's how I found myself exploring the world of holistic healing. It was like finding an umbrella amidst a downpour.

So, I thought, wouldn't it be wonderful if I could pass on this umbrella to others who are navigating the same storm?

That's why, in this blog post, I'm going to share '15 Ways to Manage PMS Holistically'. These are strategies that have helped me reclaim my life from PMS, and I hope they can do the same for you.

Ready to explore this journey together? Let's dive in.

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Understanding PMS

You know, PMS (a.k.a. premenstrual syndrome) is like that uninvited guest who shows up every month with a bag full of surprises.

No two women experience PMS the same way.

Some of us might just feel a bit moody or bloated, while others could be dealing with severe cramps, fatigue, or even depression.

Here are some common symptoms:

  • Mood swings and irritability

  • Tender breasts

  • Food cravings

  • Fatigue

  • Depression or feelings of sadness

And let's not forget that these symptoms can vary in intensity from month to month. It's like playing a never-ending game of symptom roulette!

This is where a holistic approach comes into play.

Instead of just treating individual symptoms, holistic healing looks at your entire body. It's about understanding how all the pieces of our health puzzle fit together.

So, instead of just popping a painkiller for that headache or cramp, we start looking at our diet, our stress levels, our sleep patterns – everything that could be contributing to our PMS.

In the following sections, we'll explore 15 different ways to manage PMS holistically. Trust me, it's a game-changer!

Just a heads up, this blog post isn't medical advice. Got health concerns? Best to chat with your doctor or health professional. Your health matters, consult the pros when in doubt!

15 Ways to Manage PMS Holistically


Let's chat about food. Not just because it's one of my favorite topics (who doesn't love a good snack?), but because what we eat can seriously affect how we feel during our menstrual cycle.

You know those cravings for chocolate or salty snacks before your period? It's not just you, it's PMS!

But did you know that certain food groups can actually help manage those pesky PMS symptoms?

Let's break it down:

  • Complex Carbohydrates: Foods like whole grains, fruits, and veggies can help regulate your blood sugar levels, keeping your mood stable and your energy high.

  • Calcium-rich Foods: Think leafy greens or fortified foods. They've been found to help reduce physical and psychological symptoms of PMS.

  • Lean Proteins: Foods like beans, nuts and tofu can help keep you feeling full and combat those unhealthy cravings.

  • Healthy Fats: Avocados, nuts, and seeds can help balance your hormones, which can in turn ease PMS symptoms.

Remember, it's not about completely overhauling your diet overnight. It's about making small changes and noticing how they make you feel.

And hey, if you want to indulge in that chocolate craving once in a while? Go for it! It's all about balance, right?

Regular Exercise

We all know exercise is good for us, but did you know it could be your secret weapon against PMS?

That's right! Lacing up those sneakers can do more than just keep you fit - it can actually help manage those pesky PMS symptoms.

Here's how:

  • Aerobic Exercise: Think running, cycling, or even dancing around your living room. So, next time PMS strikes, why not hit the pavement or crank up your favorite tunes and dance it out?

  • Strength Training: Feeling particularly irritable or moody? Lifting weights might just be the ticket. Not only does it make you physically stronger, but it also triggers the release of endorphins, those feel-good hormones that enhance your mood.

  • Gentle Stretching & Yoga: Gentle stretching exercises like yoga and tai chi can work wonders during your period. They improve blood flow, reduce tension and can help you feel better during this time.

  • Walking: Never underestimate the power of a good walk. It's a low-intensity workout that can help decrease PMS symptoms and enhance your mood.

Our bodies are all different, and what works for one person might not work for another. The key is to listen to your body and choose the type of exercise that feels right for you.

And remember, it's not about pushing yourself to the limit every time. Even a little bit of movement can go a long way!

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Stress Management

Let's face it, we all experience stress from time to time. But how we manage it can make a world of difference to our health and happiness.

So, why not explore some tried-and-true techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises that can help you sail through stressful situations?

Here's how:

  • Meditation: It's not just for monks in remote monasteries! Anyone can benefit from the power of meditation. By focusing your mind on a particular thought or activity, you can train yourself to stay calm even in stressful circumstances. Plus, it's free and you can do it anywhere!

  • Yoga: More than just a physical workout, yoga is a mind-body practice that combines stretching exercises, controlled breathing, and relaxation.

  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Ever noticed how you breathe when you're stressed? It's often shallow and rapid. In contrast, deep breathing encourages full oxygen exchange which can slow the heartbeat, stabilize blood pressure, and promote feelings of calm and relaxation.

Remember, everyone's different, so try out these techniques to see what works best for you. The key is consistency, so try to incorporate them into your daily routine. After all, a stress-free life is a happier, healthier one!

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Sleep, it's something we all love but often don't get enough of. Getting a good night's rest is more important than you might think.

It's not just about feeling refreshed in the morning - quality sleep plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. So, how can we improve our sleep quality?

Here are some tips:

  • Stick to a Schedule: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock and could help you fall asleep and stay asleep for the night.

  • Create a Restful Environment: Make your bedroom a tranquil oasis. Keep it cool, quiet, and dark. Consider using earplugs, an eye shade, a fan, or a white noise machine if needed.

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Water is the lifeblood of our bodies, and staying hydrated is crucial for our overall health. From boosting skin health to aiding digestion, drinking enough water can make a huge difference in how we feel and function. But how do we ensure we're drinking enough?

Here are some handy tips:

  • Carry a Water Bottle: Having a water bottle on hand at all times makes it easy to sip throughout the day. Plus, it's an eco-friendly option!

  • Eat Hydrating Foods: Foods like cucumbers, oranges, and watermelons are packed with water. Incorporating them into your diet can help boost your hydration levels.

  • Flavor Your Water: If you find plain water boring, try adding a splash of lemon or a handful of berries to give it some flavor.

Remember, the amount of water each person needs can vary depending on factors like activity level and climate. So listen to your body and drink when you're thirsty.

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Herbal Remedies

Experiencing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be tough, but did you know that certain herbs might help soothe those pesky symptoms?

Let's delve into some of these natural remedies:

  • Turmeric: This vibrant yellow spice isn't just for cooking, it's been shown to improve mood-related symptoms like anxiety and depression.

  • Lemon Balm: This herb is praised for its calming properties, making it a perfect companion for those challenging PMS days.

  • Chamomile: You may have tried chamomile tea for relaxation, but this herb is also a great way to ease bloating during PMS.

Remember, everyone's body responds differently, so it may take some trial and error to find what works best for you.

If you're considering trying herbal remedies for PMS, it's always a good idea to talk it over with your healthcare provider first.


Let's chat about acupuncture, specifically how it can help balance hormones.

  • So, acupuncture is pretty nifty. It doesn't just address symptoms, but it targets the root causes of imbalances in your body. That's why it's so effective for hormone issues.

  • It works like a reset button for your hormones. Whether you're dealing with PMS, menopause symptoms, or conditions like PCOS, acupuncture can help ease these issues by getting your hormones back on track.

  • What's even cooler is that it's not a quick fix. Regular treatments over a couple of months can lead to long-lasting hormone balance.

Remember, everyone's different, and acupuncture may not work for everyone. But if you're exploring options for hormone balance, it might be worth giving acupuncture a shot.

Hold on, before you continue scrolling!

Exciting news for anyone struggling with hormone imbalances: I've created the Nourish, Flourish, Thrive: Holistic Wellness Challenge just for you.

This FREE download is your go-to guide for naturally balancing those tricky hormones.

Crafted from my personal battles with fertility, hormone imbalances, endometriosis, and my holistic health coach wisdom, it's packed with everything to kick your health up a notch in just a few weeks.

Pretty exciting, right?

From better sleep to top-notch nutrition, I've got it all.

Ready to revamp your wellness game?

Download the Nourish, Flourish, Thrive: Holistic Wellness Challenge below.

Let's start flourishing together!

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Massage Therapy

Let's dive into the world of massage therapy, especially how it can help alleviate PMS discomfort.

  • Massage therapy is like a secret weapon when it comes to battling PMS symptoms. It's all about relaxation, right? And that's just what your body needs during that time of the month.

  • Massage can help reduce bloating and ease cramps. It does this by increasing blood circulation, which helps to ease muscle tension.

  • But that's not all. It can also help with mood swings. Yep, you heard it right! A good massage can release endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators.

So, next time PMS hits, maybe consider booking a massage session. It might just be the relief you need!

Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Let's talk about the magic of essential oils and how aromatherapy can help with mood swings and other symptoms.

  • Essential oils are pretty powerful. With just a whiff, they can lift your mood and make you feel good. Think of them as little bottles of joy!

  • Some oils, like frankincense, are known to help with inflammation, mood, and sleep. So, if you're feeling a bit off, a few drops might just do the trick.

  • But here's the best part, some oils like clary sage, geranium, and thyme can even help balance out hormone levels, improving conditions like PMS and menopause.

Remember, everyone's different, and what works for one person might not work for another.

But if you're looking for a natural way to boost your mood and ease symptoms, essential oils could be worth a try.

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Heat Therapy for Cramp Relief

Let's talk about heat therapy, specifically how it can help alleviate cramps.

  • Heat therapy is like a warm hug for your muscles. It's simple, non-invasive, and can provide instant relief from cramps.

  • Using a heat pad is super easy. Just place it on the area where you're feeling discomfort, and let the warmth do its magic. It helps to increase blood flow and relax your muscles, easing the pain.

  • Warm baths are another great option. Not only do they provide relief from cramps, but they also give you some much-needed relaxation time.

Helpful Supplements

Let's talk about some beneficial supplements that can really make a difference in your daily routine.

  • First up, we have Magnesium. It's a bit of an unsung hero when it comes to supplements. Not only does it support a healthy immune system, but it also plays a key role in muscle recovery.

  • Next on our list is Vitamin B6. This one is a real energy booster. Plus, it's been known to support brain health and even improve mood.

  • And let's not forget about Zinc. This powerhouse supports your immune system and is also essential for muscle function.

So, if you're thinking about adding some supplements to your diet, these three could be a great place to start. But remember, everyone's different, so it's always best to discuss any changes with your healthcare provider first.

Mindfulness Practices

Let's dive into the calming world of mindfulness practices and how they can help manage emotional symptoms.

  • Mindfulness is all about being present in the moment. It's about noticing what's happening around you without trying to change it. This can be incredibly calming and grounding, especially during times of stress or emotional upheaval.

  • One popular mindfulness practice is meditation. Even just a few minutes each day can help clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve your mood. It's like hitting the reset button on your emotions!

  • Then there's mindful breathing. This simple practice involves focusing on your breath as it goes in and out. It can be done anytime, anywhere, and is a great way to quickly calm down when emotions start to run high.

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Limit Caffeine and Alcohol on PMS

Let's have a chat about two substances that many people enjoy - caffeine and alcohol, and their potential impact on PMS.

  • Starting with caffeine, it's the pick-me-up many of us rely on. However, some believe that excessive caffeine consumption could block the absorption of iron and possibly exacerbate PMS symptoms.

  • Moving on to alcohol, while it might seem like a good idea to reach for a glass of wine to help ease those PMS symptoms, it might not be the best choice. Alcohol can dehydrate you and may increase feelings of depression and mood swings, which could make PMS symptoms feel worse.

Everyone is different, so what works for one person might not work for another. Always listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

Other Natural Pain Relief Methods

Let’s talk about TENS units. These little devices use electrical stimulation to help reduce pain, and they're quite handy. They work by sending low-voltage electrical currents through the skin which can help to ease certain types of pain.

Remember, it's always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new pain management routine.

Support Groups and Therapy

Let’s look at the topic of emotional support and professional help, like support groups and therapy.

  • Support groups can be a lifeline when you're going through a tough time. They offer a safe space where you can connect with others who are experiencing similar challenges. The collective understanding and empathy can be incredibly comforting and healing.

  • Then there's therapy. Working with a professional therapist can provide you with tools and strategies to cope with life's challenges. They can help you navigate difficult emotions, work through trauma, and build resilience.

So, if you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling emotionally, remember that help is available.

Support groups and therapy can provide the emotional support and professional help that can make a big difference. You're not alone, and it's okay to reach out.


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Wrapping it Up

Alright, we've covered quite a bit today! From the impact of caffeine and alcohol on PMS to natural pain relief methods to the immense value of support groups and therapy.

It's clear that our health and well-being are influenced by many factors and it's important to explore various paths to find what works best for us.

Remember, whether it's making dietary changes, trying out a TENS unit, or seeking emotional support - these are all steps on your journey to feeling better.

And always remember, it's perfectly okay to reach out for help when you need it. Take care and keep exploring what makes you feel your best!






Rebecca is a holistic health coach and CPA. She is the author of Thriving Beyond 30: A Woman’s Guide to Holistic Wellness.

Her mission is simple: empowering women to thrive - in body, mind, and spirit. Through her blog, Rebecca shares practical tips and insights for a balanced, vibrant life.


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